Using the information provided below, answer the following question within the next 1 hour:
The figure below shows the street map for a certain region with the street intersections marked from a through l. A person standing at an intersection can see along straight lines to other intersections that are in her line of sight and all other people standing at these intersections. For example, a person standing at intersection g can see all people standing at intersections b, c, e, f, h, and k. In particular, the person standing at intersection g can see the person standing at intersection e irrespective of whether there is a person standing at intersection f.
Six people U, V, W, X, Y, and Z, are standing at different intersections. No two people are standing at the same intersection.
The following additional facts are known.
1. X, U, and Z are standing at the three corners of a triangle formed by three street segments.
2. X can see only U and Z.
3. V can see only Z and W.
4. Z sees Y standing in the next intersection behind U.
5. W cannot see U or Y.
6. No one among the six is standing at intersection d.
Question: Should a new person stand at intersection d, how many people would Z see?
Simran Raman - Apr 13, 2023
4 person. Z would see U, X, Y and V
Ayushi verma - Apr 13, 2023
My answer is 4
X,U,Z are at ends of a triangle so they can be at any of b,c,f,g intersections.
Now X cannot be at g since he sees only 2 people.
UZY have to be in a straight line and x sees only U and z thus
X must be at b, V at j, Z at f, U at g.
Since V can see W and W cannot see either U or Y thus
Y must be at h and W must be at at i.
Sumanth paul - Apr 13, 2023
My answer is 4.
Sidhoo Ho - Apr 13, 2023
My answer is 4*